Tuesday, June 17

I got infected!!!

With TROJAN VIRUS!!! Goodness me, can you believe it? I can't !! I just cannot comprehend how did I even get infected in the first place. I am always a careful person and I don't simply open any emails or files from people I don't know. I also don't download any porn.. so how did I get it ??? One possible explanation could be through MSN when I was chatting with my couzzie who is only 10 years old and suddenly she sent me some links, which she was totally oblivious of.
I don't know, I'm quite a computer idiot, not to mention I know anything about virus! Can someone please help me clarify if this is at all possible ie to transfer a virus through MSN, in a link which I didn't even open!!!


Athena said...

probably her computer kena a worm.. so automatically send u the infectious link..

Anonymous said...

try to change ur hotmail password then re-login to msn again.

SarahLee said...

Athena: yea, so I asked her to fix up her computer before she goes "infecting" everyone!

Kathy: Oh, it helps that way?? I will certainly try right now!! sorry, Im not sure if I know who you are by the name Kathy..

Anonymous said...

Aiya, i'm peh har lor... if this way doesn't help then u need to reinstall ur msn then will fixed it.

SarahLee said...

Oh, hi Peh Har, sorry, I don't know that Kathy is your other name. But it's nice, Kathy Khor! =) Thanks for the tips.