Thursday, July 24

What an exciting day!

I am floating in exhilaration.. day started off well. But was a little sorry that my colleague was sick and didn't come to work. I have so much to ask her about my upcoming trip. Anyway, since she wasn't there, I knew I had to work triple pace faster so that I can go home early. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. Still, it was ok because the day was immediately highlighted with the delivery of my Ipod Nano... FINALLY!!! I have been waiting for almost a month for it. I didn't have any expectation on the colour, so black is fine with me. It was totally awesome and my other colleague can see me grinning away widely every now and then. I must sincerely thank him of whom he was the reason I got this Ipod Nano. It was a long story..

I am elated because I will be flying off to Japan tomorrow (24 July) via Taiwan. I am sure it will be such a great trip. I will make sure I make full use of all the time I have there, which is not much. I am hoping to bring my laptop as we have free internet in Japan. However, Big Elf is worried that it might be a hassle as we are travelling to so many places ie taiwan, Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto. Oh well, hopefully I will get to blog whilst travelling using public computer.

I promise to take many photos and will post it all up when I'm back. I can't blog much, it's really late now. Oh, I haven't forgotten about the Graves of the Fireflies. This show has really impacted me in such profound way that I never imagined could happen. I will do that when I come back.

Last but not least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG ELF!!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!

1 comment:

Athena said...

have fun!! :)

Happy bday to u Andrew!