Sunday, September 28


I have no idea how to translate the title. It basically refers to Malaysia, the bolehland ie anything is possible in Malaysia. I wish I can be brave and vocal towards Malaysian government, then again, as long as you have ISA (who recently arrested RPK for blogging), you literally have to stay put and be quiet else you'd end up in the detention centre. Scary but true!

As usual, I updated myself with Malaysian news and my oh my... what a hot potato!!! After reading several blogs I am seriously infuriated at what I have known all along. Things are really getting way out of alignment. I really doubt blogging about the government through the perceived "freedom of speech" is going to help at all. Don't get me wrong, I just don't want bloggers to get into trouble. Personally, all I can say is, don't waste your breath, you are dealing with retards. They can hardly think for themselves, all they can do it retaliate physically, by putting you in jail! That would solve their problem, but little do they know, they will be the main sufferers if they don't change their mentality.

Was reading BrisbaneTimes regarding world's most corrupt country and what a shame Malaysia isn't the top 10. I was like...hello.. Malaysia is right there on the map. It' quite visible in the world map you know? Can you see it??? Perhaps you should open your eyes bigger... no?? Still can't see it?? Let me help you la..


There!!! My verdict of the most corrupt country in the world or at least give it a top 10 la. How can it even be in orange?? Oh by the way, the lower the CPI, the higher the corruption. Malaysia should at least be in red!!!

How do people even do a survey on corruption?? Maybe it's not political corruption but more of social corruption. That is understandable because if it's political, it must be well-guarded. Sorry, I'm not a political science student, so spare me the orthodox understanding.

Anyway, for information sake:

Most corrupt country and CPI score
Somalia: 1.4
Myanmar: 1.4
Iraq: 1.5
Haiti: 1.6
Uzbekistan: 1.7
Tonga: 1.7
Sudan: 1.8
Chad: 1.8
Afghanistan: 1.8
Laos: 1.9

Least corrupt country and CPI score
Norway: 8.7
Denmark: 9.4
Finland: 9.4
New Zealand: 9.4
Singapore: 9.3
Sweden: 9.3
Iceland: 9.2
Netherlands: 9.0
Switzerland: 9.0
Canada: 8.7



Athena said...

Truthfully speaking, although we are goverened by retards, I sincerely don't believe that our country is as corrupted as you think it is. I used to be under that impression, until i started my post graduate studies. Now, it is an whole new persepctive for me!

SarahLee said...

That's the thing, you don't need the whole country to be corrupted to earn that title, you just need the top ranking people, the people who have the say over the whole of Malaysia. Say, the person who is in charge of sending innocence to ISA. Good on you and your course! Perhaps more should do your course. At least you agree, retards govern our country!

Athena said...

to use that one metrix to say our country is corrupt is a little harsh no? like that we can also say that little Singapore is dem corrupt as well.. with Old Man Lee paving the way for his son??

SarahLee said...

You are right, in fact almost every country in the world is corrupt. haha..but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about in terms of the politics in Msia. I am just saddened by the way politics in Msia is going. No consolation whatsoever. Especially with the retard's mentality, cannot maju one if not for other races in that country. Is there any hope for people wanting to come back to Msia?? I'm sure you'll say yes, but for people like us, we have to try it before we agree with you. But we only have one chance to try it. Do we dare to take that one chance? It's a scary thought!

Athena said...

yeap.. it's a sad day for Malaysia. Despite 51 yrs of living together supposedly would have unified the races, yet we have digress so much...

as for that one chance, it's better to make use of it than never. At least we've tried our best!