Monday, July 14

Egg Tart

I got this idea from making apple pie the other day. One of my favourite dim sum dish other than prawn dumpling (har gao) is egg tart (dan tat) (even the thought of it now is making me salivate!). But it's always annoying when I don't get to eat these two dishes whenever I go for yum cha, particularly egg tart. Anyway, since I can make the pastry, I thought it would be great to try making egg tart. I got the recipe from here when I googled up for hong kong egg tart. However, the pastry I used my original recipe for the pie. Here are the ingredients for the egg custard:

135 g white sugar
355 ml water
9 eggs, beaten
1 dash vanilla extract
235 ml canned evaporated milk

These measurement can be scaled down accordingly, depending on how many you want to make. It's simple but it tastes really good although my pastry isn't as flaky as I'd like it to be. Somehow, I cannot get the shape of the tart to be round, I will keep trying to perfect it.


Athena said...

wow.. you're really exploring baking now eh? ur tarts looks good!

SarahLee said...

haha.. yeah.. itching to bake lately. You should try making the egg tart.. well, only if you are such an egg tart fanatic like me =)