Thursday, November 2

Grey's Anatomy

I've never really followed a drama series ever, but this is one that really caught my interest. I love the main casts, Dr. Meredith Grey (I know some may dislike her, unfortunately) and Dr. Derek Shepherd. I will continue my blog about it some other time. It's been a long day!

Ok, let me continue with this topic. Grey's Anatomy (for those who haven't watched) is a tv medical drama, which has bagged many awards. However, as Wikipedia puts it:

" has its detractors where medical professionals criticized for innacurately presenting medical situations and greatly exaggerating how doctors fraternize with one another."

Still, a drama is a drama. It is exactly how the roles "fraternize" with one another that boost the popularity of the show. The main character is Meredith Grey and her love, Derek. Basically, the whole show is about them, I feel, or at least that's the reason why I watch. The whole sequel of her encounter with Derek is just so romantic and thrilling. The fact about him having a wife, does make the show sour, but thank goodness, it was his wife who cheated on him first. To cut the story short, he ended up divorcing his wife. Not that I condone to this act, but as I said, a drama is just a drama.

Oops, before I forgot, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BROTHER!

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