Tuesday, June 10

How filthy and inconsiderate!

I have been wanting to blog this for a while, but my anguish always never last for the day to be able to blog this in the evening.

This is my question; have you ever, when in such an urgency to pee, rushed to the toilet, only to find that 3 out of 4 the toilet bowls are stained with residual shit!!??

I'm sure when encountering such situation, your first impulse is to go check out the other cubicle hoping you will get a cleaner toilet bowl. And boy, don't you get frustrated when almost all the toilet bowls have shit it them?? I mean, what's wrong with people? How filthy can they be? I think they should be sent to a grooming school with my aunties being the teachers to really drill into them about hygiene.

If it's public toilet, I totally understand. If you try to observe (I had to confirm with a friend about this), alot of toilets around Msia, posh or not, they are so underfunded that they cannot even provide a toilet brush in every toilet. My problem now is with toilets that HAVE toilet brushes at your DISPENSE! It's there to be used... so use it!! You might wonder perhaps people who are more educated may be more hygienic, but you will be surprised that some of these people have no inclination of hygiene AT ALL because you can, apparently find these people in my lab!

What is so hard with cleaning after yourself? So, what if there's a cleaner who comes and clean after you? Still, it reflects on who you are and what sort of a person you are. You may not get caught and be indentified in public, but that only goes to show, what a filthy person you are behind closed doors and you are only putting a fake front!

Oh guess what I do sometimes, if I ever catch someone coming out of the toilet, I will take a quick peep inside the cubicle she just came out from, just to see whether or not she's as "clean" as she looks on the outside!! It's not just shit that I look out for, it's the toilet rim that I look at too. Sometimes, even if it wasn't mine, I have to relent (gosh, it was really difficult!) and clean it up because I fear someone else will pass me the same judgment! Which is why, I try so hard to avoid such toilets. Gosh, I cannot believe how some women can be so appalling..

So the lesson to learn here is ... CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF, PLEASE!!!

1 comment:

SarahLee said...

I cannot imagine what they learn at home!