Saturday, June 28

Too many hobbies.. so little time..

There are a million things which I want to do but I just don't have the time for it. My day starts at 7am and by the time I come home from work, it's probably around 7pm on typical days. I have to go to gym 3 times a week and unfortunately, laziness ruled on some days and I ended up going to gym only twice a week, which is still not too bad (comforting myself here). By the time I get home from gym, it would be about 8.30pm. Then, we take turns to cook dinner. Sometimes we just eat out. If we cook, it will be about 9.30 -10pm after clearing up and washing up dishes. Then, we will go online just to check our e-mails and catch up with family and friends. That will take at least half an hour, which is archetypical and obligatory. That will leave me with another 1 hour or less to do my hobby. Now, tell me, how is it even possible to do my hobby? Some days I will be so exhausted (most of the days) and I just want to watch movies and not do anything else, not even eat!!

Here are the things I want to do at the moment:

1. I want to do read my books (possible on some days, but so frustrated because I cannot finish reading sooner than I anticipated),

2. I want to make jewelleries and sell them if possible (I am still waiting to have time to set up a website or even seeking some help from friends who won't charge me),

3. I want to study about photo-editting and photo effects (I have to practice and read all the tutorials online),

4. I want to knit (winter's arrived and I only managed to knit a scarve since this year)

5. I want to borrow some Hong Kong TVB's series, gosh I miss those time when I used to follow the 6pm movie in TV2 or TV3 and the 8pm series on Wah Lai Toi (although quite unlikely now due to the money involved to rent),

6. And my latest interest is to play piano, so much so that I want to get a new digital piano. I haven't played the piano since I left home for uni. Come to think of it, it's quite a waste to finish Grade 8 and not play at all now. Pity my parents who had to struggle to pay for my piano lesson fees last time. Perhaps, I should serve in the worship ministry and make full use of this ability. (At this point of blogging, I really feel compelled to serve the Lord). I can sing and dance and play the piano although not excellent but I guess good enough to serve the Lord with what I have.

If only I work nearer to home, right now it can easily take me 3 hours driving to and from work every single day. What a total waste of time!! No wonder days just pass us by just like that. Travelling time really irritates me to the core although I must say, it's the best time to learn patience.

God knows my heart's desire. If He is willing, He will help me by changing my situation now. If not, He probably thinks I can still endure the travelling and not spending my time wisely. This may be too menial an issue for some, but I guess I am feeling tired from all the travelling. Work wise is alright, although the company's not very kind to their staffs. I often wonder, why do people even bother sacrificing so much for this company.

Anyway, I wish I don't have to work so I can do all the things I love to do. Then again, the only such time to happen is when I have a baby. Then again, taking care of a baby is worse, not just an 8 hours job, but a 24 hours, round the clock job!!!

Please don't get me wrong. I am not unhappy with life now. I just have so much excitement in life after having found so many hobbies. I just can't seem to find time to do them. I just pray that God will answer that little prayer of mine in due time.


Athena said...

i think our time mgmt is real bad..i'm also always thinking where can I find time for 'me'


SarahLee said...

Oh.. haha.. well, I guess for me, it's really no time man.. I don't stop working at all, both at work and at home.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

SarahLee said...

Hi Ady..