Friday, October 27

Anna and the King

It was great day.. I finally gathered enough courage to speak to my boss about me not wanting to do PhD. It was so tough in the beginning to open my mouth. I couldnt contain the fear within me, and I broke into tears. Like what my husband said before, tears are my both my shield and weapon. To cut the story short, the whole conversation went well, and he comforted me by giving me assurance that doing a PhD is not a ticket to success, though it is good to have one. However, he will be supportive of my decision to not do it now. It was pretty amazing as I did not expect his responses. I have always had the idea that he was "exploiting" me to take up the research for his own interest. Well, although he responded well in the discussion, it is never for me to know what his true intentions are. Ultimately, I am grateful as God really led me throughout the whole conversation. He answered my prayers and gave me much peace. Thank you, Lord, again, I have substantiated your presence in my life.

I felt an immense relief after that, as a result I went to borrow some movies. Bump into "Anna and the King", didn't have a chance to watch that movie when it was first released. Borrowed the DVD and watched it after dinner.

The movie, I think is superb! Though I would say it is probably 70 percent true and remaining is fictional, it is a transcendent love story. It is inspiring to me because it potrays a mature love and relationship. Humans are full of err, many a times, because of momentary needs, desires and wants, they make inevitable mistakes.

In this context, the King and the schoolteacher knew they were not meant to be together. They were very much attracted to each other, eventually fell in love and were passionate about each other, however their love for each other was unrequitted. Of course it is preposterous, some may argue, for a king to fall in a love with his hired english teacher, it is like a fairy tale, one of a kind.

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