Saturday, September 15


Content makes poor men rich; discontentment makes rich men poor~ Benjamin Franklin

Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy~ Cynthia Nelms

No particular reason in sharing these two quotes, but I thought I'd share it anyway.

On another note, just came back from a bible study member's birthday party, which he celebrated alongside his daughter's 3rd birthday. Was chatting with some people in the party, and I do pray that God plans for this meeting regarding mission trip and babies =) . I personally felt as if God was speaking to me indirectly through these people. WIth regards to the first, harvest are bountiful, opportunities are plenty. We don't have to wait to be called, if we can offer our time and money to help contribute in God's work. As for babies, we spoke to some mature christians, who was indirectly helping to advise hubby on having kids earlier rather than later.

Anyway, all was good, and as we were chatting, I had a good amount of sun exposure which left me feeling great afterwards. Great day for a party. Now, I'm just rushing to go out for a walk while the sun is still shining bright. How I yearn for sun nowadays.

Also another update. My best friend just gave birth to a healthy baby boy on September 13, and they named him Zachariah Low Yong-ern. I can't wait to see him soon.

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