Saturday, April 26

Lesson learnt the hard way

I mentioned I will be having a garage sale. Well, the garage sale was this morning, and I would have to say, it went just ok. Had to wake up early to prepare and set up my "stall". Since I don't really have a garage, I had to bring all my goods to the nearby park and sell it there. I had to abide to the rules that I cannot obstruck pedestrians' pathway, so I tried to set up my stuffs as conveniently as possible on the kerb for pedestrians. Although I think I have lots of items to be sold, to many others, my items are really sap sap sui (literal translation: nothing huge). My items include clothings (lots of them), some cooking utensils, bags, shoes, jewelleries, a bedcover and etc. This is just to give you a rough picture of some of the items I was selling.

So I started out early, went around putting up posters. As this was a community initiative program which the council organised, I didn't have to go around advertising my garage sale. My posters are more for directing people to come to my garage sale. So, after that part's done, I woke hubby up to help me move all the goods to the nearby park. I must say, it was tough for him. Poor hubby, had to wake up early and help me move everything while I set up and arrange the items on the ground. Anyway, to cut the long story short, my position of holding the garage sale wasn't the most strategic. There were barely many people passing by, although a few did come, thanks to the advertisement in the local newspaper.

In all, I am most proud of myself for picking up the courage to hold a garage sale. It involved a lot of work and I was exhausted by the end of it. The preparation leading to the garage sale also took much effort. It wasn't easy doing it, especially all alone. Hubby was good enough to help me but he's not the kind who will meet people and sell them stuffs. I didn't earn as much as I would like. Clothings didn't sell as well as I thought, most probably due to one huge problem; Andrew and I are both small framed. Who would fit into our clothes?? Hence, I will donate all the clothes to Salvation Army.

One valuable lesson I learnt from today is to NEVER collect and/or buy anything that will eventually end up being a clutter. Although it's easier said that done, people will inevitably succumb to temptation. So, I can only try to be extremely aware and careful of what I buy in the future, only things I need, not want. Even if it's a want, I will make sure it's in good use. Otherwise, everything else is a total WASTE of money. Imagine, if I didn't buy and collect all those stuffs, I would have been at least several hundred bucks richer than I am today. A total waste of money and time and effort when we misuse our money in the wrong way.

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