Wednesday, May 14


It's so liberating to finally get my driver's licence. I have been driving for almost 4 yearrs in Sydney with my Malaysian's driver's licence and according to the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) of NSW, I have to get a local driver's licence after living for 3 months in the country. Not very law abiding, am I?

Taking the test itself is a nightmare. I failed once, and I was so nervous to re-take the test. Oh, and something happened regarding the driving test and I'm sure if I tell you, you will be mad at me.

My second test was initially scheduled on the 12th of May ie Monday. The night before I was preparing for the test and what to bring; driving test slip, check, driving test book, check, L licence, check, L plates, check, proof of address documentation, check, Malaysian's driver's licence translation, check. All prepared and set, I thought to myself. Next morning, hubby was so nice to accompany me to RTA. Test was on 8.30am and we were on time. Then, just before my name was called, I searched for my wallet.. opened my handbag, and I couldn't see my wallet!! I was frantically searching for it and started panicking. Deep inside, I knew I must have left it on the table when I double-checked my L licence the night before. I was apologizing profusely to the test instructor, and asked if I could quickly rush home to get it. She wouldn't proceed with the test without any proof of ID. So, just imagine the whole ordeal.. I almost felt like killing myself!

Finally, the test instructor (thank God, she's a nice lady) suggested that I re-book my test and discouraged rushing around otherwise, I will mess up all their schedule for the day. That left me with no choice really but to re-book. Hence I have to pay an extra 40 bucks to re-book the test. Then, my next fear was, the waiting period for the next available test. It normally takes about 3 weeks and I was dreading like crazy to drive 'illegally' again prior to the test. But guess what, God is good, praise the Lord. The next available test was the very next day!!! How awesome was that? Even the test instructor said I was lucky! I quickly booked the test for the next day and left RTA with mixed feelings.

I have an amazing husband. He did not utter a single angry word. The only mad person was me. But I remembered the ultimatum he gave me. With slight difficulty, I composed myself and tried not to be so affected by the incident. He noticed and praised me for that. Haha.. isn't that funny? Instead of giving me a piece of his mind, he praised me for keeping calm. So, it worked. I chose not to be affected by my own mistake, and forgave myself. But, having said these, I truly hope it served as good lesson and I will learn from this mistake.

So, the next day I took the test, and it all went smoothly. The test normally takes 45 mins to an hour (under new rules since end of 2007), but it only took me 30 minutes to complete everything. I am so glad that I finally got this chapter of my life closed. Feels so good to drive so freely now!!

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