Saturday, May 17

Special gift

As I was cleaning up the house (actually, correction: it's a granny flat, not a house =)) today, I decided to dispose of some unused little boxes I keep, for memories sake. I can be very sentimental at times. I like to treasure certain stuffs and until a point when I'm willing to part with them, then I shall discard them.This little box received that fate today. It's a perfume box, which my husband bought me when we re-united in Sydney after 9 months of separation (I know, it's not really that long a separation). But it was so nice of him, and I love the perfume so much that I barely use it, afraid it will finish too quickly. It's been 4 years and I've only used less than a quater of it (there's a picture below to proove it). So, I thought of taking a photo of the box before throwing it away, just to keep a visual memory of it. In my life, only 2 special man bought me perfume. One is my husband and the other is none other than my father. I loved that perfume so much and it lasted me a good 10 years. It was Cool Water by Davidoff. Perhaps, I should get that perfume again as it suited my natural body scent and I love the fragrance.

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